There are many myths about copyrights. So we will talk about most populars. Here are 4 myths that you should know to avoid false information.
You can use anything, if you specify the source
If the author does not expressly agree to copy his material, the use will be illegal and incurring liability.
Many people believe that any content posted in free access can be copied freely, without permission, if you specify the author’s name and source. But so far, unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. The absence of a ban is not considered consent or permission.
You need to ask permission. Anyway, the majority of the authors agree if you indicate their name and the sources of the materials.
You must always ask permission of the author when copying materials
It’s not obligatory to ask permission any time. The law allows many exceptions on this point.
Particularly, quoting for scientific, polemical, critical or informational purposes is allowed without the author’s consent.
You must examine the full list of exceptions, when you can and when you cannot use the authors’ works without their consent.
The author can always demand compensation for the use of his materials
If the content is marked with copyright (©), for its use you should always pay a fee to the author.
You must critically evaluate each material you want to use. If in doubt, it is better to look at similar court practice and to check whether similar objects of intellectual property receive protection in court.
If there is no copyright sign, then the object can be used
The use of the protection sign © and the notice that the rights are reserved is not obligatory and author may decide to use the mark or not. The absence of a copyright sign does not deprive it of legal protection.
Know your rights and don’t violate others’.
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